Immigration Update: Coronavirus The COVID-19 pandemic is having an unprecedented impact on immigration policies and processes worldwide. ""Prime Minister Scott Morrison predicted on Friday that Australia's net overseas migration numbers would Topics: Stay up to date with SBS NEWSSBS News AppDownload our free app on the App Store or Google Play for the latest headlines and breaking news alerts.We love feedback: help us improve by rating the app and sharing your suggestions at News to your inboxSign up now for the latest news from Australia and around the world direct to your inbox.By subscribing, you agree to SBS’s Please select the editions you would like to sign up toPlease refresh the page and try again.SBS News on socialFollow SBS News to join in the conversation and never miss the latest live updates.Latest News podcastsAsk Daily BulletinWatch SBS World News live daily at 6:30pm on TV and SBS acknowledges the traditional owners of country throughout Australia. The migration situation is changing rapidly throughout Australia. Last Updated 22 June 2020 "Any visa application will be assessed considering the Covid-19 enhanced border measures and an applicant's individual circumstances," an Australian government spokesman said. By subscribing, you agree to SBS’s Please select the editions you would like to sign up toPlease refresh the page and try again.The border closures brought on by the coronavirus pandemic provides a unique opportunity for Australia to restart its migration program, Labor's home affairs spokesperson Kristina Keneally has argued.Labor has called for an overhaul of the migration system to give Australians a "first go at jobs" following the coronavirus pandemic.Kristina Keneally, Labor's spokesperson for home affairs, said Australia should use the COVID-19 border closures to reconsider the country's economic reliance on temporary migrants and encourage unemployed Australians to fill the labour gaps. Already, some supermarket chains have pledged more shifts for international students. Remember applications are necessary.If your visa has expired and you want to remain, you need to apply for a "bridging visa".
Whether you’re travelling in Australia or overseas, make sure you know the facts about COVID-19. COVID-19 and the border.
To find out more, go to Smartraveller’s coronavirus (COVID-19) information. This also applies to temporary visa holders currently in Australia who may have planned to leave and come back.If you've already obtained a temporary visa and have not yet entered the country, you will need to re-apply once the restrictions are lifted.You can enter Australia if you're a permanent resident, but the advice is to contact the office which granted your visa when you're able to travel.Migration advocates and the Labor opposition have raised concerns that temporary work visa holders who stay in Australia could lose out if their employment is terminated in the event they lose their job.An economic downturn may make it hard for foreign workers to find a replacement job.
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