phone, driving, games, etc., make time.Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today.
Especially if your child is prone to answering "Good" or "Fine" without elaborating, you'll need a good followup.
| Psychology Today I read a narrow-minded worldliness (an irritating dichotomy) in your glib shoot-down of the article as "ineffective"--essentially pointless--while missing the point of the article (fresh cues for parents having trouble communicating). (This comment's title isn't meant to be mean, but it's just that I've never met a salesperson who didn't come across as disingenuous during non-professional conversation. Jul 7, 2019 - Explore virginiaroser's board "So How's Your Day Going ?" and What was the toughest part of today? Thanks for your comment!This article serves as a good reminder that we can find different ways to help kids open up and share a little more.
It's time to do some stuff around the house. You sit, you take notes, you talk to your friends during the breaks and you go back home. It should be noted that this idiom is said in many countries with the answer expected to be fine or good. "Hey, sweetie.
The point is you want to make the conversation flow easily, not create potential barriers you have to go around. Try:Of course, the older your child, the more nuanced you can get. The idiom how’s it going is another way to say how are you, how are things progressing, or what’s up. ha! making the entire article moot.Many people--some of them parents--are not natural conversationalists. Not that saying that generic, "How did today go for you?" Each suggests a new question:5) Who did you spend the most time with today?4) What did your teacher talk about most today?2) Did anything surprise you today?1) What's one word you'd use to describe today?Couldn't have said it better myself. Again, this is what the author's alternative questions do, making them as ineffective as the one she chose to criticize. "It's a great sentiment, of course.
A generic, "How was your day" isn't as good as saying, "How did that test go? I merely pointed out how they're not pointless.Perhaps, instead of criticising, you might write a response article with your version of 5 techniques to get your child to open up, as you seem to frown on the idea of a one-size-fits-all question. ! But if you find it gets you to the same dead ends, you might need to mix it up a little and delve deeper. And what will be the most likely question to emerge from those parents' mouths as their kids bound off the bus or burst out of the school doors? milestone for many. That way, kids will share the highs as well as the lows.And the mad comment from my mom when I had nothing to say. How did your [insert favorite class] go?"
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