Time Machine over SMB NAS

Time Machine will start backing up data soon after. Component/s: SMB.

If you would like to learn more about Time Machine, you can consult Apple’s Time Machine support page. I did set up a SMB share for Time machine, as per the documentation. To enable SMB Open “Control panel” app. Type above and press Time Machine has historically been supported over the AFP protocol on ReadyNAS. Pour un usage purement personnel, j’opte pour la rapidité, sans chiffrement.Cliquez sur Nous créons un utilisateur qui sera dédié à la sauvegarde Time Machine, avec des droits spéciaux.On entre le nouveau mot de passe pour notre utilisateur que nous appellons Au niveau des groupes utilisateurs, il fera parti du groupe des utilisateurs par défaut (users) :On donne à notre utilisateur les droits de lecture et écriture sur le dossier partagé TimeMachine:Je vous recommande de définir un quota votre utilisateur Time Machine, afin d’éviter que les sauvegardes ne saturent complètement le NAS :Cliquez sur Il nous reste à activer le service de fichier idoine qui permettront à notre NAS Synology Ensioet à Time Machine de communiquer entre eux.

Enter the username and password of the user you just created, and click If you would like to learn more about Time Machine, you can consult I am sending this data and accepting this Looking for a Deal on a NAS Drive? It allows the user to restore the whole system or specific files from the Recovery HD or the macOS Install DVD. Use AFP or SMB according to your setting in the step 1.3.2. Most Time Machine issues occur when backups are setup to go to a network drive. If you are currently using Time Machine over AFP, you can toggle over to using SMB.

Network-attached storage (NAS) device that supports Time Machine over SMB; After setting up the storage device, you can use Time Machine to make a backup of your Mac. Il nous reste à activer le service de fichier idoine qui permettront à notre NAS Synology Ensioet à Time Machine de communiquer entre eux. Choose from the following: Follow this tutorial if you have multiple Mac computers that want to use the NAS for Time Machine backups.A specific backup user account can be created just for Time Machine.

I have 'fruit' enabled on all SMB shares, and "fruit:time machine = yes" on the time machine shares.

After specifying the address, click Enter your account credentials, and click Select Choose the shared folder you created, which is The system will prompt you to provide your account credentials.

Type: Bug Status: Done (View Workflow) Priority: Low . According to an Apple support statement:For backups to a Synology NAS drive, Time Machine allows the user to back up Mac computers over the network and supports backing up to certain network attached storage devices or servers, depending on the version of Time Machine. It was introduced in Mac OS X Leopard quite a few years ago and has become a backup essential for Mac users worldwide.

XML Word Printable. MacOS dispose de Time Machine, l’utilitaire qui permet de sauvegarder et restaurer le système d’exploitation de votre Mac, ainsi que tous vos fichiers et documents.Time Machine nécessite normalement un disque dur dédié à toutes vos sauvegardes. When the setup is complete, Time Machine will be able to start backing up data to the DiskStation.Enter the address of your NAS server. With the growth of popularity in NAS devices from Synology and 3rd party clouds like Google Drive, Amazon Drive and CrashPlan it has become a common requirement to store backup images of a Mac system off-site.Time Machine creates incremental backups of files that can be restored at a later date. What You’ll Need. Time Machine will start backing up data soon after.

You can start using a variety of QNAP member services.Sign in to myQNAPcloud to securely access your remote QNAP devices, manage your NAS from anywhere, and share files easily.Get licenses for advanced features from our Software Store.If you have any further questions about QNAP products or solutions, contact customer service through the Service Portal. In this post, I’ll cover how to set up Synology as a time machine backup destination.


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