Journal of Medical case reports editor in chief

Mostly case reports discuss similar cases that are reported and compare with available literature Aims and Scope International Journal of Clinical and Medical Cases (IJCMC) is an open access peer-reviewed journal, IJCMC aimed to publish case reports of all fields that are related to medical … Editorial Board of Journal of Clinical Case Reports journal consists a group of prominent personalities with expertise in field who can add value to the existing research. Editor-in-Chief ... Director of the department of medicine Baruch Padeh Poria Medical Center, Israel [Biography] [Research Interest] Vien … Dr. Cao received his medical and research training in Shanghai Jiaotong University and Fudan University, where he was awarded multiple prizes and where he received Master and Ph.D. degree for research in Oncology. Respiratory Medicine Case Reports, an open access companion title to the internationally-renowned Respiratory Medicine, is dedicated to publishing case reports. Case Reports in Medicine maintains an Editorial Board of practicing researchers from around the world, to ensure manuscripts are handled by editors who are … To date, his works have been published in Cancer Research, Oncotarget, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, PLoS One, Journal of Thoracic Disease and other journals.Dr. Dr. Cao has been in charge of several research projects, including National Natural Science Foundation of China and so on. About this journal. All rights reserved.His research interests mainly focus on understanding the molecular mechanism of breast and liver cancer. Clinical Case Reports Journal Our Motto is to utilize the information published in our journal which is stored in our databases to re-collect and analyze for new research purposes of achieving new goals in the fields of epidemiological studies, public health research … Zhigang Cao is currently vice president of AME Publishing Company and Research Assistant for breast and liver cancer.

To date, his works have been published in Cancer Research, Oncotarget, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, PLoS One, Journal of Thoracic Disease and other journals. Contact us if you experience any difficulty logging in.Sign in here to access free tools such as favourites and alerts, or to access personal subscriptionsSome society journals require you to create a personal profile, then activate your society accountAuthors retain copyright under a Creative Commons licenseRapid but rigorous peer review and quick decision timesMedian time from acceptance to online: 34 daysIf you have access to journal content via a university, library or employer, sign in hereWith the latest Table of ContentsIf you have access to journal via a society or associations, read the instructions belowWith institutional access I can:If you have access to a journal via a society or association membership, please browse to your society journal, select an article to view, and follow the instructions in this box.Access to society journal content varies across our titles.When new articles are published onlinePublication in a journal that is indexed in Clarivate Analytics’ ESCIMost read articles in this journal in the last 6 months.You are adding the following journals to your email alerts

Clinical Case Reports has now expanded its scope to include Psychology, Medical Ethics, and Social Work. After that, Dr. Cao worked in the State Key Laboratory of Oncogenes & Related Genes of Shanghai Cancer Institute and Breast Cancer Institute in Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center for about 10 years. Copyright © 2009 - 2020 AME Publishing Company. SAGE Open Medical Case Reports is a peer-reviewed, open access journal, which focusses on providing a publication home for short case reports and case series, which often do not find a place in traditional primary research journals, but provide key insights into real medical cases that are essential for physicians, and may ultimately help to improve patient outcomes.


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