Our role as the primary drug-interdicting organization along the Southwest border continues to expand.The heightened presence of Border Patrol agents along the Southwest border has burdened narcotic traffickers and alien smugglers.In FY 2012, Border Patrol agents on the Southwest border seized more than 5,900 pounds of cocaine and more than 2.2 million pounds of marijuana. Considerable success has been achieved in restoring integrity and safety to the Southwest border, by implementing our border-control strategy. The Border Patrol utilizes a variety of equipment and methods to accomplish its mission in such diverse terrain. In some areas, the Border Patrol even employs horses, all-terrain motorcycles, bicycles, and snowmobiles.In FY 2012, Border Patrol agents made over 364,000 arrests of people illegally entering the country.
These include Operation Gatekeeper in San Diego, CA, Operation Hold the Line in El Paso, TX, Operation Rio Grande in McAllen, TX, Operation Safeguard in Tucson, AZ, and the Arizona Border Control Initiative (ABCI) along the Arizona border.An increase in smuggling activities has pushed the Border Patrol to the front line of the U.S. war on drugs. This is accomplished by maintaining surveillance, following up leads, responding to electronic sensor alarms and aircraft sightings, and interpreting and following tracks. Undaunted by scorching desert heat or freezing northern winters, they work tirelessly as vigilant protectors of our Nation's borders.While the Border Patrol has changed dramatically since its inception in Customs and Border Protection prevents people from entering the country illegally, or bringing anything harmful or illegal into the United States. Undaunted by scorching desert heat or freezing northern winters, they work tirelessly as vigilant protectors of our Nation's borders.While the Border Patrol has changed dramatically since its inception in 1924, its primary mission remains unchanged: to detect and preventthe illegal entry of aliens into the United States. The Border Patrol Tactical Unit (BORTAC) is the tactical unit of the United States Border Patrol, considered the CBP's equivalent of a SWAT team. OCA is committed to addressing any question or concern Members of Congress or their staffs may have related to CBP’s complex mission.CBP provides security and facilitation operations at 328 ports of entry throughout the country. Agents work around the clock on assignments, in all types of terrain and weather conditions. Citizens/LPRsInternational VisitorsTrusted Traveler ProgramsBasic Import and ExportAutomation/Agency PartnersKey Trade IssuesRulings & Legal DecisionsAlong US BordersAt Ports of EntryFrom the Air and SeaInternational InitiativesWhich Career is Right for You?Careers for WomenPrepare to ApplyOutreach ProgramsCBP Updates and Announcements New technology in the form of autonomous surveillance towers help Border Patrol agents stay one step ahead Register today for upcoming August webinars. WASHINGTON - They are the most highly trained members of the Border Patrol, agents who confront drug traffickers along the U.S.-Mexico border and track down dangerous fugitives in … Electronic sensors are placed at strategic locations along the border to detect people or vehicles entering the country illegally.
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