VOX amplug2 Classic Rock

Show More Deals. AP2CR – Amplug 2 Classic Rock AP2LD – Amplug 2 Lead AP2MT – Amplug 2 Metal.

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Offering the easiest way to enjoy true analog amplifier sound in your headphones, the amPlug series has been a bestseller since it first appeared in 2007. With the amPlug 2, the accessory will power off after 30 minutes of inactivity.The following Vox amPlug 2 guitar mini headphone amps come with this new feature: AC30, Metal and Classic Rock.

Swiveling the Plug. Vox amPlug 2 Guitar Headphone Amp, Classic Rock - The Vox amPlug 2 is the headphone guitar amp that lets you enjoy serious guitar sound, fast. The AC30 on the other hand has this rasp and crunch to it that makes it so unique.So, if you ask me personally, I would go with the Classic Rock because it’s a bit more versatile. So, ditch your cable, plug straight into a Vox amPlug Classic Rock G2 headphone guitar amplifier, and enjoy some authentic rock 'n' roll guitar tone. Contact your Sales Engineer.Contact your Sales Engineer.Our expertly trained Sales Engineers are ready The Vox amPlug Classic Rock G2 headphone guitar amplifier will help you nail the classic UK-made amp sound, giving you that massive crunch - despite the fact that it occupies virtually no space.
Here is a full Vox amPlug 2 Classic Rock demo video: Vox amPlug vs. Vox amPlug2 – The 4 Key Enhancements.

Vox AP2-MT Amplug 2 - Metal... Andertons. I know what you mean though regarding the sound range of the Classic Rock version; I can see how you can get close to a Lynch/Dokken sound.

Back to Home. Can i get clean sounds on Classic Rock one?
If you haven’t tried it, the “Lead” sound is reminiscent of early Dokken.Hey Dan,Thanks for the question. Get a low price and free shipping on thousands of items. VOX AmPlug2 Classic Rock Guitar Headphone Amplifier. Play Video. However, after I have a chance to do a thorough review of the The amPlugs by Vox are great guitar practicing devices. So which one is your recommend?AC30 or Classic Rock which one is better? Offering the easiest way to enjoy true analog amplifier sound in your headphones, the amPlug series has been a bestseller since it first appeared in 2007. VOX AmPlug2 Classic Rock Guitar Headphone Amplifier . Simply because I didn’t see a need to make changes to the regular amPlugs, and I was afraid that the amPlug 2 devices might just be a way to out a new version on the market that doesn’t really offer much. amPlug 2 Classic Rock: Delivers the classic crunch of a UK-made 100W amp. Once you excuse the fact it looks like it cam out of a cracker jack box.


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