弓 にまつわる 言葉

もちろん、この言葉は冒頭部のように、実際に的を射抜くための「弓を引く」動作を表す場合もありますので、注意が必要。このように普段、一般的に使う言葉でも、実は慣用句としての意味も同時に持ち合わせている言葉もあります。そういった言葉を見たり聞いたりした時は、話の前後から内容をくみ取って、どちらの意味で使われているのかについて気を付ける必要がありそうですね。 When it is nocked onto the Tsuru, the surface of the Hane faces inward.The place where the Mato is set.The method of raising the Yumiya (Yumi and Ya).The gently curving line of the area below the Kamikirizumedo.The method of gripping the Yumi with the left hand.The wooden block fixed to the inner side or the upper and lower end of the Yumi.The area on the Tsurumakura of the Yugake where the Tsuru is nocked onto.The first Ite in each Tachi (group) when performing Gyosha.A Taikai (gathering) in which Kyogi (a competition) is held.The physical body filled with Kiryoku and energy.The moment in Kai waiting for one's Seiki (Spiritual Energy) to become full.When the Tsuru touches the chest in Kai.The part of the Ya where the Tsuru is nocked.Shooting procedure in which Rei si performed while sitting, standing up move into Shai sit down to nock the Ya and stand up to shoot the Yumi.The movement during Yatsugae when taking the Hazu and moving it towards the Tsuru.A release as if trying to push the left hand through the Mato.The Yumi is pushed with the palm and the wrist bent.A Ya that has been nocked but loosens from the Tsuru and falls before Hanare.

The name is derived from wrapping the Nigirikawa.The lower end of the Yumi where the Tsuruwa is looped. become slack in Kai.The Hane on the outside when the Ya has been knocked.A board used to support the Urahazu when stringing the Yumi.The bamboo on the inside of the Yumi when it is strung with the Tsuru.

以前、弓のおことば などと題して色々と弓にまつわる言葉を並べ立ててみたけれど、最近になって以下の言葉が気になり出した。 私としては、これらの言葉は弓に関係あると思うけれど、どの辞書で調べてみてもはっきりとした裏付けが取れないので、なかなか解決しそうにない問題だったりする。 Also referred to as the Uwahagi.A skewer to hold the Mato into place on the Azuchi.Stretching the body when Kiryoku becomes full and without disruption in Kai.The posture of squatting on the tip of the toes and with the knees not touching the floor.The way of placing the feet when drawing the Yumi.The sound made at Hanare when the Tsuru hits the Hitaiki (Himezori).When about half of the Yajaku has been drawn. Mainly using the middle finger and the thumb.When the Yazuka has been fully drawn, and Tsumeai and Nobiai are working in Kai.When the body is bent forward. イチローはたくさんのインタビューや記者会見で一弓に関する言葉を残しています。どの言葉からも一弓への愛が感じられ、たくさんのファンが感動することも少なくありません。ここでは、イチローの犬好きエピソードを紹介していきます。 Also referred to as Hazukobore.Refers to the body form of the Tateyoko-Jumonji and Goju-jumonji.A release that naturally occurs when the moment has come.The third bamboo joint from the Yajiri. (The second joint from the Yajiri. Also referred to as Churiki.Aiming by cutting the Mato in half with the left side of the Yazurido.Postures: Soru (bending backwards), Kagamu (bending forward), Kakaru (leaning forwards towards mato) and Chusei (correct).The part of the Yumi where the Nigiri and Yazurido meet.


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