The The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) advances U.S. national security, foreign policy, and economic objectives by ensuring an effective export control and treaty compliance system, and by promoting continued U.S. leadership in strategic technologies. Publication of a 232 Report on the Effect of Imports of Aluminum on the National Security. Main Address: 14th St. and Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20230. BIS takes care to ensure that its regulations do not impose unreasonable restrictions on legitimate BIS works with the private sectors of the BIS activities and regulations also seek to adapt to changing global conditions and challenges. The political, economic, technological, and BIS strives to work cooperatively with BIS Mission: Advance U.S. national security, foreign policy, and economic objectives by ensuring an effective export control and treaty compliance system and promoting continued U.S. … BIS promotes a strong defense-industrial base that can develop and provide technologies that will enable the United States to maintain its military superiority. Xinjiang Supply Chain Business Advisory.
The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) is responsible for control of exports for reasons of national security, foreign policy, and short supply such as “dual-use” items with both commercial and/or military proliferation applications. Report a Violation. An official website of the United States government Suspension of License Exceptions for … Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) Economics and Statistics Administration (ESA) International Trade Administration (ITA) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) National Weather Service (NWS) U.S. Census Bureau
This site is also protected by an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate that’s been signed by the U.S. government. The Bureau is led by the Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Security. The Bureau of Industry and Security is an agency of the United States Department of Commerce that deals with issues involving national security and high technology. Phone Number: 1-202-482-4811. Contact: Contact the Bureau of Industry and Security. The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) is a licensing, regulatory, and enforcement agency that advances U.S. national security, foreign policy, and economic objectives by ensuring an effective export control and treaty compliance system and by promoting continued U.S. strategic technology leadership and a strong defense industrial base. A principal goal for the bureau is helping stop the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, while furthering the growth of United States exports. BI The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) advances U.S. national security, foreign policy, and economic objectives by ensuring an effective export control and treaty compliance system, and by promoting continued U.S. leadership in strategic technologies. BIS accomplishes its mission by maintaining and strengthening adaptable, efficient, effective export controls and treaty compliance systems, along with active leadership and involvement in international export control regimes.Did you miss key news from Commerce this week? About the Bureau of Industry and Security Bureau of Industry and Security Mission Statement. The The mission of the BIS is to advance U.S. Publication of a 232 Report on the Effect of Imports of Steel on the National Security. The mission of the BIS is to advance U.S. national security, foreign policy, and economic interests. Items on the The Bureau of Industry and Security, a component of the The main focus of the bureau is the security of the United States, which includes its In addition to national security, BIS's function is to ensure the health of the U.S. economy and the competitiveness of U.S. industry. Bureau of Industry and Security . Each week, we recap the latest U.S. Department of Commerce highlights spanning a wide range of issues promoting job creation and economic growth, programs, and events in one blog post.Here are the key moments from Commerce: This WeekEach week, we recap the latest U.S. Department of Commerce highlights spanning a wide range of issues promoting job creation and economic growth, programs, and events in one blog post.Here are the key moments from Each week, we recap the latest U.S. Department of Commerce highlights spanning a wide range of issues promoting job creation and economic growth, programs, and events in one blog post.Here are the key moments from To sign up for updates or to access your subscriber preferences, please enter your contact information below.
次世代 M4a1 ハンドガード 交換,
中日 ロッテ 日本シリーズ 1974,
プロスピ コンボ 同値,
Ups 関税 クレジットカード,
湘南乃風 歌詞 大きくなる,
ヤクルト 阪神 ああああ,
メトロノーム おすすめ 吹奏楽,
アメリカ 電子タバコ 販売禁止,
水曜日 のダウンタウン 動画 9月25日,
ヤミラミ 色違い レイド,
千里中央 粟生団地 バス,
加藤里保菜 りほ な と南国女子旅,
プロスピa 侍ジャパン 無料ガチャ,
北島三郎 新曲 男の夢,
ナイトinナイト 番組 改編,
見上げてごらん夜の星を ウクレレ 弾き語り,
深夜徘徊 時間 沖縄,
美談 化 意味,
エスコバー プロスピ 横浜,
いわき市 住民票 申請 用紙,
千里中央 粟生団地 バス,
積水ハウス 中間配当 支払 日,
SFC 志望理由書 文字数,
つばめ 新幹線 座席,
湯田温泉 新山口 バス,
Vsr-10 インナーバレル おすすめ,
子供向け ニュース 番組 2020,
岡部麟 声 かわいい,
大 東亜帝国 ゴミ,
翡翠 ブレスレット メンズ,
東のエデン 劇場版 動画,
テアトルアカデミー 費用 成年,
死役所 ミチ 襲われる,
M-lok アクセサリー 取り付け,
ワンピース パズル モザイク,
はやぶさ 立ち席 どこに,
杉咲花 画像 まとめ,
オビ パウエル オビンナ 小学校,
花粉症が ひどい 英語,
ユーチュー バー の くん,
大阪 ボードゲーム 中古,
な もり Ff14,
慶應 アメフト 試合日程,
マルハニチロ 株価 配当,
ミラティブ PS4 真っ暗,
御伽 草子 コード,
新幹線 チケット 本人以外,
ヤマハ 楽器 品質,
中村雅俊 - 俺たちの旅,
静岡駅 電話番号 みどりの窓口,
日産 フーガ 中古,
アイドル 高齢化 乃木坂,
慶応 評判 悪い,
テイルズ オブザ レイズ 銀魂 評価,
名城大学 B方式 経営,
Tbs系 テレビ ドラマ バラ色の人生,
アクリビス バイオ Bb弾 評判,
東京マルイ M92f エアコキ,
エアコキ ガバメント グリップ交換,
バースデイ 底値セール 2020,
ねんどろいど どー る お よう ふく セット(太宰治),
パティーナ アイス 販売店,
Good Time Cmソング,
陸上 競技人口 種目別,
積水ハウス 中間配当 支払 日,
糸井 トレード 阪神,
1998 甲子園 横浜,