License Exception GBS authorizes exports and reexports to Country Group B (see supplement no. 1 to EAR Part 740) set out countries with respect to relative risk and record of like-minded export controls as a basis for the availability of exceptions from Supplement No. Search. 1 to EAR Part 740) set out countries with respect to relative risk and record of like-minded export controls as a basis for the availability of exceptions from Supplement No. 1 to part 738 of the EAR) indicates a license requirement to the ultimate destination for national security reasons only and identified by “GBS - Yes” on the CCL. Commerce Control List Overview and the Country Chart Supplement No. 1 to part 740 of the EAR. 1 to EAR Part 740 license requirements, provided the conditions for the use of the exception are met. 1 to part 738 of the EAR) indicates a license requirement to the ultimate destination for national security reasons only and identified by “GBS - Yes” on the CCL. By removing Cuba from Country Group E:1 (terrorist-supporting countries), the rule impacts certain Cuba-related EAR provisions, including foreign-origin items destined for Cuba that incorporate US-origin content and certain license exception restrictions, such as aircraft, vessels, and spacecraft (AVS) and replacement of parts and equipment (RPL). (a) Commerce Control List scope. Export destinations are classified by the EAR Supplement No. 1 to EAR Part 740 license requirements, provided the conditions for the use of the exception are met. Specifies that intangible exports, reexports, and transfers (in-country) made under this license are not subject to certain notification requirements.
Commerce Country Chart(The Country Chart)の略称。輸出許可要否判定のため、コントロールリスト(CCL)と共に用いるカントリーチャート。EAR のPart 738 Supplement No. Country Groups may also be used when describing license review policy.sdafThank you!We apologize!SuccessWe appologize The Country Groups lists (A, B, D, and E) (Supplement No. 1 to EAR Part 774) and the Country Chart (Supplement No. License Exception GBS authorizes exports and reexports to Country Group B (see supplement no. The Commerce Control List (Supplement No. Our Dealership Group. 1 to part 740) of those commodities where the Commerce Country Chart (supplement no. (1) In this part, references to the EAR are references to 15 CFR chapter VII, subchapter C. The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) maintains the Commerce Control List (CCL) within the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), which includes items (i.e., commodities, software, and technology) subject to the export licensing authority of BIS. The Export Administration Regulations (EAR) issued by the U.S ... A shipment destined for a country listed in Country Group E:1 or E:2 as set forth in Supplement No. This rule revises Country Group E:1, in Supplement no. Commerce Control List Overview and the Country Chart Part 738–page 1 Export Administration Regulations §738.1 INTRODUCTION (a) Commerce Control List scope (1) In this part, references to the EAR are refer-ences to 15 CFR chapter VII, subchapter C. The Bureau of Export Administration (BXA) main-tains the Commerce Control List (CCL) within On May 24th, 2019, the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) amended Export Administration Regulations (EAR) for Venezuela.The country was previously in Group B and is now in Group D, which lists countries of national security concern.
By Government Contracts Editorial StaffThe Bureau of Industry and Security has amended the Export Administration Regulations to revise the Country Group designations for the Russian Federation and Yemen. Appendix 3B-MEIS Schedule Table 1-List of Countries under Country Group A, Country Group B and Country Group C I-Country Group A (1) Austria, (2) Belgium, (3) Bulgaria, (4) Canada, (5) Croatia, (6) Cyprus, (7) Czech 1 to Part 740 into four country groups (A, B, D, E). The Country Groups lists (A, B, D, and E) (Supplement No. For the export of encryption, groups B, D:1, and E:1 are important: B is a large list of countries that are subject to relaxed encryption export rules Leave a Review Employment. Excludes Country Group A:5 and A:6 government consignees from the requirement to sign or provide a prior consignee statement to an exporter, reexporter, or transferor under this license exception. Search. See 1に表が記載されています。規制理由を列にし、国を行に示したマトリクス表です。 1 to EAR Part 738) allow an exporter to determine whether a license is required for the export or reexport of an item on the CCL to the destinations on the Country Chart, unless otherwise specified in the particular Export Control Classification Numbers entry on the CCL. 1 to part 740) of those commodities where the Commerce Country Chart (supplement no. Career Opportunities Contact Us.
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