Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) then registers the manufacturers under its registration scheme who are permitted to declare that their articles conform to the Indian Standard (s). of India, which require to be marked with BIS Standard Safety mark before they can be manufactured / imported and sold in Indian market.The BIS Registration is granted by BIS office after successful safety testing of the product as per notified Indian Standard and furnishing of necessary documents.Brand Liaison is an experienced service provider for BIS Registration for Indian as well as foreign manufacturers, who are willing to sell their electronic products in India.
WPC-ETA Licence Lowest Charges In India. BIS is a national body which ensures the quality, safety and reliability of products in India. UNIQUE QUALITY SERVICES, INDIA Offers End to End Services For BIS Registration of All Electronics Goods.The only Company in India offering the Services in a very Transparent Way. For In…
We aim to facilitate our consumers to get Certification Licence under the various Schemes under Govt of India viz-a-viz Product Certification for Domestic Manufacturers (ISI Mark), BIS Certification for Foreign Manufacturers, Hallmarking Scheme, Compulsory Registration Scheme(CRS). Implementation of Amendment I to IS 16046 (Part 1) : 2018/IEC 62133 : 2017 and IS 16046 (Part 2) : 2018/IEC 62133-2 : 2017.
So, they can not be infected or injured by using bad quality toys.
Know more about the objectives, types of BIS Certificate with the help of BIS Registration Consultant. We help companies from ab-initio to design and implement their strategy to enter and grow business in India. March 12,2016. The BIS Registration shall be granted by the BIS Office after satisfactory safety testing of the material in compliance with the approved Indian Standard and the furnishing of the necessary documents.
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an international agency established in the year 1947 in Geneva, Switzerland. through standardization, certification and testing. BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) is the National Standard Body of India for the harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality registration of consumer products. Additional Information:Additional Information:Additional Information:Additional Information:Additional Information:Minimum Order Quantity: Hard drawn steel wire is produced by high-quality carbon wire rods through a special heat treatment and cold drawing process. The head office of our business is located in New Delhi, India. Registration under MTCTE from TEC; Energy Efficiency Rating by BEE; Accreditation from NABL as per ISO/IEC 17025; Exemption of certain grades of Steel from Ministry; Recognition of Laboratories in India under BIS Laboratory Recognition Scheme (LRS) Management Systems Certification; WPC Approvals, ETA; Testing Equipments. Message from the Director General, Bureau of Indian Standards….Accessibility Tools Implementation of Revised IS 1293 : 2019.
BIS is the National Standard Body of India established under the BIS Act 2016 for the harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.BIS has been providing traceable and tangible benefits to the national economy in a number of ways – providing safe reliable quality goods; minimizing health hazards to consumers; promoting exports and imports substitute; control over proliferation of varieties etc. Under the quality control order, it is mandatory to have BIS approval for Hard-Drawn Steel wire. The purpose of BIS is to examine the samples of products when they are preliminary and surveillance stage. LTD.top© Copyright 2019.
Toys entertain kids and make them busy for an endless hour but we must be careful about our choices. The absence of heat emanation makes the LED Flood Lights one of the safest lighting options.Minimum Order Quantity: The Bureau of Indian Standards Notified the To know more about BIS Registration or CRS you may visit our website.
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