March Compact 1x 10x24

net(ネット)もgross(グロス)もビジネス関係でよく聞かれるカタカナ英語になっています。最近の流行りのカタカナ英語というよりはもう少し古くから普通に使われている印象があります。net(ネット)が「正味の」といった意味で経費などを差し引いた純利益の部分に対して使われます。 It would also accelerate the conceptualisation of new technology, materials or products to replace plastics. Ocean-based plastic originates mainly from the fishing industry, nautical activities and aquaculture.Under the influence of solar UV radiation, wind, currents and other natural factors, plastic fragments into small particles, termed microplastics (particles smaller than 5 mm) or nanoplastics (particles smaller than 100 nm).Plastic pollution is the most widespread problem affecting the marine environment. Plastic is a synthetic organic polymer made from petroleum with properties ideally suited for a wide variety of applications, including packaging, building and construction, household and sports equipment, vehicles, electronics and agriculture. Existing international legally binding instruments should be further explored to address plastic pollution.Recycling and reuse of plastic materials are the most effective actions available to reduce the environmental impacts of open landfills and open-air burning that are often practiced to manage domestic waste.

Knowledge of the full extent of plastic pollution and its impacts would provide policy-makers, manufacturers and consumers with scientific evidence needed to spearhead appropriate technological, behavioural and policy solutions. Roughly 70 percent of marine litter, such as glass, metal, and all sorts of marine equipment and other refuse, sinks to the ocean floor, according to UNEP.While marine litter consists of all sorts of materials, many plastics float or remain suspended in water, making them more visible. Types of Marine Debris and Litter. However, compliance with these laws is still poor, partly due to limited financial resources to enforce them. Plastic has been detected on shorelines of all the continents, with more plastic materials found near popular tourist destinations and densely populated areas.The main sources of marine plastic are land-based, from urban and storm runoff, sewer overflows, beach visitors, inadequate waste disposal and management, industrial activities, construction and illegal dumping. And much more.We can responsibly enjoy the benefits of plastics while also properly disposing or recycling used plastics. Plastics can enhance quality of life in ways that other materials cannot. )A recent study found that the amount of plastic waste entering the ocean from land each year exceeds 4.8 million tons (Mt), and may be as high as 12.7 Mt  The quantities of plastic entering the ocean are growing rapidly with the potential for cumulative inputs of plastic waste into the ocean as high as 250 Mt by 2025.Discharges of plastic are spread around the globe from the 192 countries with coastal borders, but 20 countries account for 83% of the mismanaged plastic waste available to enter the ocean.Of course, better marine litter prevention and ocean conservancy begins with a better understanding of the root Boucher, J. and Friot D. (2017).

They can meet resource needs and reduce waste, energy use, and emissions. When marine organisms ingest plastic debris, these contaminants enter their digestive systems, and overtime accumulate in the food web. (The same goes for all types of materials that make up marine litter. Toxic contaminants also accumulate on the surface of plastic materials as a result of prolonged exposure to seawater. Thevenon, F., Carroll C., Sousa J. 蚊などの翅虫は、鳥やコウモリ、クモなどに食べられます。つまり水中にあったマイクロプラスチックは、翅虫(の体に入って)空を飛ぶことで、陸上の生物に食べられて、水中から陸上へと移動してしまうことを意味します(Al-Jaibachi et al. Some marine animals ingest smaller plastic particles and choke or starve.

Marine litter is human-created waste that has been discharged into the coastal or marine environment. They can help shield and transport sterilized medical supplies. 海外の会社名の末尾に付けられている"Pty Ltd."とは何の略でどんな意味なのでしょうか。教えていただけたら幸いです。よろしくお願いします。蛇足ですが、"Pty Ltd."は"Co Ltd."よりもマイナーで、しばしばオーストラリア関係の会社に付 Microplastics are little beads of plastic less than 5 millimeters wide, and they are commonly found in hand soaps, face cleansers, and other exfoliators.


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