Wanki Chae gets a draw with Masahiro Iwasaki. Quintet Prologue #3 [Japanese] Winner stays on. Shutaro Debana Beats Ayumi Shioda … The event name is "QUINTET FIGHT NIGHT in TOKYO - Light Weight Team Championship - ", the convention concept is lightweight Japan's best battle.

Tomoyuki Hashimoto gets a draw with Inseong Jang. Out of all grapplers on the mats at the Quintet Fight Night 2 event, none impressed us more than Sotaro Yamada. Sotoro Yamada gets a draw with Jun Young Cho. QUINTET 2nd event will be held on Saturday, June 9, Differ Ariake . All Rights Reserved.(BoutReviewに掲載の記事・写真・図表などの無断転載を禁止します) 大会名 QUINTET FIGHT NIGHT 4 in AKITA 秋田ねわざ祭 2019 日時 2019年11月30日(土)開場・14:00 開始・15:00 会場 秋田市文化会館 中継 UFC FIGHT PASS チケット料金 全席指定 10,000円 チケット発売 チケットぴあ、ローソンチケット、イープラス、LINE TICKET View fight card, video, results, predictions, and news. 公開済み 桜庭和志の故郷で開催  ◆トーナメント(5選手合計体重360kg以内(ライトウェイト)・4チームによる抜き形式)一回戦一回戦決勝◆シングルマッチハイサム・リダ vs. カイル・チェンバース大会名 QUINTET FIGHT NIGHT 4 in AKITA 秋田ねわざ祭 2019フォロー:続きCopyright © 1997-2020 MuscleBrain's. Sotoro Yamada Beats Young Seung Cho by Kneebar. Wer QUINTET nicht kennt.

The powerful 35-year-old was not well known to us at BJJ Heroes, though his performance tonight will have us remembering skills for time to come. Survivor match. The winner will continue to fight against the opposing player in order, until the winner is defeated or drawn. The team is made up of Inseong Jang, Wanki Chae, Gyengseop Cho and Jun Yong Cho.While Sakuraba does not compete himself, he’s never far at any Quintet event and still fields a team in this one. Light Weight Class: in cases of 10 kg+ weight difference) The first team is based out of the legendary Paraestra-gym in Tokyo, consisting of Kohei Yasumi, Ayumu Shioda, Yutaka Saito, Yusuke Honma and Shoki Higuchi.

Team Sakuraba is MMA-oriented, but we’ve seen former and active MMA-fighters do very well in Quintet before so that’s not out of reach.The final team fights out of Carpe Diem BJJ, probably the most well-known BJJ gym in Japan these days. A team competition of 5 players on each team. Quintet Fight Night 4 – Am 30 November kehrt das etwas andere Grappling Event zurück, bei dem besonderen Grappling-Format von Kazushi Sakuraba heißt es wieder Grappling Tag-Team Survival-Matches.

All it takes is one fighter to have a good run and that can be the downfall of an entire team. Draw means both fighters are out. No line boundaries. While Korea isn’t necessarily famous for its great BJJ-fighters, these competitors have the skill to back themselves and might very well have a point to prove. As an added bonus, there will also be a separate superfight between a regular Quintet competitor, Haisam Rida and 10 th Planet’s “Kneebar Wizard”, Kyle Chambers. In case of obvious risk of falling out of the mat area, the referee stops the bout and the bout is restarted in a safe area in the same position.Winner fights to the next fighter from the opposing team.


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