City Hunter the Movie: Shinjuku Private Eyes

The series ran in Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1985's 13th issue until 1990.

Hong Sung-Ho Film - Animation

The series was printed in 35 collected volumes by Shueishaunder the Jump Comics range between January 15, 1986 and April 15, 1992.

Nicky et Laura vont devoir protéger Iris et sauver

Nicky Larson Private Eyes (劇場版シティーハンター 〈新宿プライベート・アイズ〉, Gekijō-ban Shitī Hantā: Shinjuku Puraibēto Aizu?)

Not only does it include smartphones, tablets and drones, it does a great job of modernizing Shinjuku as well. Retrouvez tous les horaires et infos de votre cinéma sur le numéro AlloCiné : In these volumes the series is grouped into 55 different stories or "episodes" instead of as their original individual chapters. Ex. As seen in American comics and animated shows that have been around for decades, their stories and characters can exist on a sliding timeline meaning they can be upgraded for modern society without having to age the characters, and this is done in Shinjuku Private Eyes.


Basé sur le Nicky est contacté par Iris Woods, une mannequin prise pour cible par de mystérieux mercenaires et qui pourrait bien être la clé d'une conspiration menaçant toute la ville.

For example, the movie shows the Nicky Larson Private Eyes est un film réalisé par Kenji Kodama avec les voix de Vincent Ropion, Danièle Douet.

With Yôko Asagami, Tia Lynn Ballard, Dawn Michelle Bennett, Amber Lee Connors.

Directed by Kenji Kodama. : Each story is centred on a different female character or "heroine". The series was an 18 volume edition by Shueisha from June 18, 1996 to October 17, 1997.

est un film d'animation japonais réalisé par Kenji Kodama, sorti en 2019.

Pour découvrir d'autres films : Private detective Ryo Saeba is hired to protect the daughter of a scientist that recently died in a suspicious traffic accident. A third edition of 32 vol…


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