K1NGsmurf777 3 K1NGsmurf777 3 Noobster; Newcomer; 3 5 posts; Posted March 28. The PUBG Karakin release date is January 22 when the rest of Season 6 content launches on PC live servers. Network N earns commission from qualifying purchases via Amazon Associates and other programs. Set on an island off the coast of North Africa, this desert map is designed for just 64 players and will have structurally weak buildings, designed to collapse from bullet penetration and the upcoming sticky bomb explosions. Xbox; Recommended Posts. 昨日、新マップ“Karakin”のティザーフッテージをご紹介した「PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds」ですが、先ほどPUBG Corpが新マップを導入するシーズン6のゲームプレイトレーラーを公開し、1月22日にPC版、1月30日にコンソール版の新シーズン開幕を予定していることが明らかになりました。また、国内外の公式サイトが■ ブラックゾーンのディテール■ “粘着爆弾”のディテールなお、 Pubgモバイル 新マップ新線でいいね Pubg 新鮮 Karakinめっちゃ . Here’s when you can play in PUBG’s upcoming desert mapWhen is the PUBG Karakin release date? ぐちつぼ 新map Karakin が実装されたからラ ダオをキャリイし. Your favourite global authority on PC gaming, hardware, and Half-Life 3.
昨日、新マップ“Karakin”のティザーフッテージをご紹介した「PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds」ですが、先ほどPUBG Corpが新マップを導入するシーズン6のゲームプレイトレーラーを公開し、1月22日にPC版、1月30日にコンソール版の新シーズン開幕を予定していることが明らかになりました。
いよいよ始まるseason 6 大規模アップデート 新マップ 新投擲武器. The map will also feature the Black Zone, missiles that will hail down on randomised parts of the map, changing the layout in each match and flushing out any camping players. PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds’ next map now has a name, it’s called Karakin and it will be the fifth map to drop in PUBG.The new map has been teased by PUBG Corp for some time now, but has finally been confirmed along with more details including screenshots, a video, and it’s incredibly small 2×2 km map dimensions. By K1NGsmurf777, March 28 in Bug Reports. Karakin is, however, currently available to play on test servers.If you’re eager to play in Karakin, check out all the details on
Playerunknown S Battlegrounds アップデート6 1のパッチノート公開. Karakin Tunnel Glitch Sign in to follow this . The map, as you can see from the video below, has clusters of small buildings and rocky mountains, but an otherwise barren and open setting.Here’s everything you need to know about the PUBG Karakin release date and when you can expect to tear through PUBG’s next map.The PUBG Karakin release date is January 22 when the rest of Season 6 content launches on PC live servers. Karakin Tunnel Glitch.
Karakin is, however, currently available to play on test servers. PUBG Karakin release date.
Hello, today i somehow managed to fall through an unopened hatch in one of the domes that has access to the tunnel system.
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