I don't know if I like him? We use to talk heaps but the last 2 months we've barley said anything to each other. hes So Emotional. I don t know if I like him? Répondre Enregistrer. I can take care of myself but idk.
Samantha. Il y a 7 années. Recently I ve been talking with a friend that I met through my best guy friend- he s got the perfect personality but more likely than not, I don t think I m attracted to his physical appearance. This guy was really into me and I kinda pushed him away because he was clingy, but now that we're not talking I kinda miss it...? Whether you like him or not can only be answered by you. But i no wat i dont like about him. Réponse préférée. Try having a relationship with him, the worst that can happen is if you guys break up . But why would I cry if I don't like him? I love my husband in the truest sense of the word, but I’m not a fan of text exchanges with him. Last school year I had a HUGE crush on him, but he didn't like me (I know this because I had my friends find out).
3 réponses. So I liked this guy for ages, about 6 months. So I forced myself to get over him, only now this year he asked me out, so I asked my friends what I should do because I didn't really like him. Does being close to each other a romantic thing now? I don't know if I like him or not...? His personality has changed and he's kinda rude now. Im confused. 0 0 0. One thing I'll say is, don't put too much value on your text exchanges. I don't know why i like my bf anymore. In the last month we haven't spoken at all and when I try to talk to him it gets really awkward and then we stop talking. I just don't know if I like him …
So we met on the internet talked since april and met up yesturday, I like him because he is such a nice person but when I met him although we connected and I felt really comfortable there wasn't that kind of spark that I felt before when I fancy someone? Please help :( I don't want to lose him.
Then when the second one broke up with him, he got hurt and I tried to make him feel better.
When I presumed we were only talking as friends, he offered we go out together and I instantly said yes, because why not? I mean he cares too much. I don't feel butterflies though and I can definitely talk to him easily. Well, maybe but not always. I don't know why but it's like I've always felt something for him even after all this time. Anyway I don't think I like him anymore. I just don't really want to kiss him that badly so I keep confusing myself about if I like him or not..but he makes me feel so special and idk if maybe I'm just not ready to kiss him or if I really just like the attention he gives me and not him. Pertinence. Being socially interacted to this particular individual whose sex is the opposite of you doesn't mean you like him.
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