no i don't know

They do not know anything about soccer.Eymael joined Yanga in January 2020 to replace Mwinyi Zahera.“Do your own things and you cannot be able to win the league because you are not an organised team, you are not an organised club and the officiating is always against you because you are a poor club.“Working in this condition is not for me, my man.The former Black Leopards tactician also hit at the fans for their reaction during their Wednesday match against Mtibwa Sugar that ended in a 1-1 draw“Changing rooms too is not for me. what's it ? 11:51 27/07/2020 . 'You don’t know soccer, you are uneducated people’ – former Yanga SC coach Eymael on Tanzanians . In a rare admission of a forced disappearance, Pakistan's military confirmed it had Idris, 56, in custody, and that he was facing charges under the secrets act. Amnesty international, where Idris Khattak was a former researcher, said he was "forcibly disappeared" - a term used for state-backed abductions.The Foreign Office now advises against non-essential travel to the Balearic and Canary Islands.Some important changes are coming from 1st AugustIn 2011 a Commission of Inquiry of Enforced Disappearances was formed but successive governments, including the current one, have failed to deliver on the promises of criminalising state-sponsored abductions - mainly because of what experts say is the close relationship between the government and military in Pakistan.The independent Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) estimates that at least 2,100 political dissenters and rights activists are currently missing in the country, although the actual number may be much higher.Now the thought of where he might be, and in what condition, keeps Talia up at night. There is pettiness in this country.“The fans can only shout and are like monkeys who are barking ‘babababa’. My father is not the first and he won't be the last. My father is not the first and he won't be the last. Maybe you don't like this side But that's really what she think. I don't know the answer to that question. Tweet; Amis 0; Design by lequipe-skyrock Choisir cet habillage. They have no idea what the charges are against him and they are likely never to be told.It is still unusual in conservative Pakistan for young women to be the ones on public platforms demanding justice. Historically, those who went missing were insurgents or separatists from restive regions like Balochistan or more recently Sindhi nationalists.But after six months and no information on his whereabouts, Talia posted a video appeal on social media asking for people to petition the government to provide answers.Idris was taken by men in civilian clothing from his car at the Swabi interchange in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the province where the family has its home. The driver gave a statement to police saying unknown men put bags over their heads and drove them away in a separate car. No!

I can scream one thousand screams, you always cry, "No way!" And I know he wouldn't stay quiet. "Talia's parents separated when she was a little girl, and her father became her only caregiver - from cooking breakfast to making "cool hairstyles" for her for school.And then in June, in a rare occurrence, the family were told that the military's intelligence agency had him in custody and were charging him under an archaic 1923 secrets act.The BBC approached the government for comment but received no response.Harris Khalique from HRCP says the practice is particularly painful for families unaware of their loved ones' whereabouts, sometimes for years. ""I always think, what would Papa do? It is not for me, it is not for me.”“My wife is absolutely not enjoying here and this is disgusting to me. No, thank you, I don't want any more dinner. it's me ( no coment ) Un jour nouveau s'est levé, je vais dans cet endroit que je chéris le plus : La forêt ! You use it to indicate something that you do not want. It was completely out of character, and worried Talia. "I feel so guilty now, I think about it every day. But the headlines and her father's picture splashed on news websites confirmed her fears.Idris Khattak's family claim they have no idea why he was taken, as he was not a particularly vocal critic of the government or military in recent years. And I know he wouldn't stay quiet. But last November her worst fear came true. I am disgusted. And for Talia, who used to speak to her father every night about her day, it hasn't got any easier.Idris Khattak's brother filed a police report, and tried to petition the Peshawar High Court to force police to investigate.


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