We will implement security measures to protect your personal data against manipulation, loss, destruction, and against unauthorised access. 第三者に流出するようなことは決してありません。※当サイトのコンテンツについて「Tiger」、「Tiger Copenhagen」、「タイガーコペンハーゲン」など、『tiger-shopping.com』 に掲載しているブランド名、製品名などは If necessary in order to fulfil the purposes mentioned above, we will store your information for an extended period.
The company responsible for the processing of your personal information is:Zebra A/SStrandgade 71-73DK-1401 Copenhagen KCompany registration no.
We may also retain your personal information for a longer period if we are legally required to do so or if retention is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.We have specific retention policies for the following type of personal information:Information on criminal offences will be deleted upon final judgement has been deliveredIn some cases, the provision of at least some of your personal information is a requirement necessary to enter into a contract.Therefore, if you refuse to share such personal data, we may not be able to provide the services you request.
We continuously revise our security procedure based on the newest, technological developments.In practice, it is not possible to provide 100 % security, and therefore we cannot guarantee that the information is protected completely against anyone who will succeed in circumventing the security measures and gain access to the data. when using IT service providers in such countries.You can find an updated list of countries to which we may transfer data here: Such transfers will only happen for the specific purposes mentioned above under Section 2, and We will always ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place for such transfer as set out below:We will retain your personal information only for as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which the data was collected or later processed. In some cases, We will be transferring personal information to countries outside the EU/EEA - e.g. However, We may also collect personal information from another source than you, which may be:We may share your personal information with:Where We engage a third party data processor to process personal information on our behalf, We will delegate such processing in writing, will choose a data processor that provides sufficient guarantees with respect to technical and organisational security measures governing the relevant processing, will obligate the processor to act on our behalf and under our instructions and to comply with all relevant legislation regarding the use of data processors. Flying Tiger Copenhagen にようこそ!お店では、宝探しの気分を楽しんでください。驚きいっぱいの商品は、家庭用、子ども向けに限らず、いろいろな楽しみ方ができます。 From time to time, We may also need to disclose personal information to other parties, such as any person (natural or legal) or organisation to whom We may be required by applicable laws to disclose personal information, including, but not limited to, law enforcement authorities, financial institutions, and central and local government.Personal information may also be disclosed in connection with a corporate restructuring, sale, or assignment of assets, merger, divestiture, or other changes of the financial status of Us or any of our affiliated entities. As a general rule, We will store data on customer contracts and purchases for five (5) years from the end of the year, where the contract was entered into or the purchase completed. 北欧雑貨フライングタイガーコペンハーゲンの通販代行。大阪アメ村にアジア初上陸の人気北欧雑貨を取り扱ってます。国産雑貨とは、一味違うオシャレなデザインばかりで、再入荷困難な物も多数ございますので、お早めに!送料無料キャンペーン実施中! We will process personal information about you in accordance with this Privacy Policy, as well as applicable law. This Privacy Policy explains how We process (e.g. Thus, you provide your data information at your own responsibility.In general, you have the following rights:There may be conditions or limitations on these rights. collect, use, share and otherwise process) your personal information. We may process the following categories of personal data about you: We will normally collect your personal information directly from you. フライングタイガーの2019年の新商品も含めて北欧雑貨・文房具・お菓子・キッチン・インテリア・収納グッズ・おもちゃなどを紹介します!さらに【2020年最新】のフライングタイガー商品もあわせて紹介しますので、参考にしてみてくださいね。 It is therefore not certain for example you have the right of data portability in the specific case - this depends on the specific circumstances of the processing activity.
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