In recent years, we have witnessed wide-spread leadership and ethical failures in some of our most long-standing and financially profitable companies.
We go through an internal process of assessing our own accountability, integrity, and reliability, and if we fail our own test or standards too often, we will find that we have actually become more and more unethical without ever agreeing to or “owning” our lack of ethical behavior.
This is the test that proves what we believe about ourselves.
By doing this, the ethical leader will be well positioned to respond to and confidently address conflicts as they arise.Conflict is defined as a real or perceived threat or opposition to one’s needs, interests, principles, concerns, or security.
While the standards do serve to support and advance an ethical culture, they have to be critiqued and measured periodically to determine any need for modifications, additions, or removals. This is where we find out just how much easier it is to claim an ethical status versus actually behaving ethically. The following test provides seven questions which can be applied when striving to properly bridge the dilemma gap and act ethically.1.
Each time a leader is faced with an issue or decision regarding anything from policies, procedures, confidentiality, finances, personnel issues, contracts, and performance management, he could find himself in a circumstance to test his ethical standards.
Synonym Discussion of circumstance.
By putting safeguards in place to assess and contrast standards, behaviors, and decision making, you will have another great method to advance an ethical culture among all members of an institution.
Those who operate under this leadership paradigm share an appreciation for ethics and the three (3) Cs – circumstances, challenges, and conflict. But much of what leaders need to know, say, and do is based on what they have learned over the course of their careers.” I am in agreement with this statement.
The gap results when we make decisions or behave contrary to what we know or “feel” is right, specifically when situations don’t present clear-cut answers. The real challenge for ethical leaders is to be ever vigilant in evaluating our own behavior and decision making against each circumstance while searching for consistency and transparency throughout.Conflict is natural and inevitable, and while striving to serve as an ethical leader, one is bound to experience internal conflicts regarding his own self-evaluative process as well as external conflicts relating the circumstances and challenges of any ethical dilemma.
by Terina AllenEthical leadership has become a topic of increasing prominence among organizational leaders, professionals, and employees across varied industries and organizations. Will this action/decision violate any criminal or civil laws or does it violate workplace policy?In order to deem yourself an ethical leader, you need to be sure that your deeds represent you well and reflect the highest ethical standards for the circumstances, challenges, and conflicts that you encounter.Reference 13th century, in the meaning defined at
Before this moment, he may have regarded himself as ethical; he may have been sure of his commitment to ethical behavior. is a platform for academics to share research papers.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors.
Our credibility is challenged on a regular basis and whether or not we take a stand and what stand we take is vital to our own ethics as well as the individuals we lead. We have observed the circumstances, challenges, and conflicts brought about via a lapse in ethical leadership among many well educated and successful companies and individuals. They are more concerned with how the results were attained rather than just attaining the results.As leaders, and especially as ethical leaders, it is incumbent upon us to make ourselves aware of the interrelationships between organizational standards, values, and beliefs and our personal ones.
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