Shangri La cares

Shangri-La Group grew out of the vision of one man - Robert Kuok - who defined Asian hospitality and set new standards on luxury and what it means to be a host. Discover our rooms & suites. The perfect events aren’t organised; they are designed. Shangri-La Care Centers response to COVID-19: UPDATE 04/07/2020: We are now asking all customers until further notice to please use a facemask or face covering while instore. Enhanced food safety guidelines and social distancing measures are also put in place in their luxurious in-house dining locations. Putting Conscientious Efforts in Place.

From their loyal patrons to the occasional visitor to its exemplary team, Shangri-La’s core values shines through. Shangri-La Cares. As people look to travel in the future, health, safety and sustainability will remain top of mind, particularly as the world continues to react and respond to the Covid-19 pandemic. “Shangri-La Cares” reinforces the Group’s commitment to caring for people, as well as its distinctive Asian hospitality as it begins welcoming guests back to hotels and resorts. We are proud of our Asian heritage and strive to become the best-loved hospitality group bringing people together to live, work, play, eat and rest well. We would like to convey our heartfelt care by creating a safe environment where everyone feels comfortable and trusts in our ability to ensure their safety and health – so that they can focus on moments that truly matter,” he added.The group has rolled out a pilot programme at select hotels which have been operating throughout April and May, to refine additional health and safety protocols and to expand on already rigorous operational protocols with respect to the pandemic situation. For more details about Shangri-La Cares, visit

WEDDINGS MADE BY SHANGRI-LA. With the required training, the right equipment, and the introduction of cleanliness practices, employees are prioritized as much as their guests. Guests are therefore assure of the genuine intention and proactive implementation of the stringent measures for their safety. And with the decision, a newfound commitment that continues its people-centric culture while adapting to each of their locations’ current state of affairs. As part of our ongoing efforts to create a trusted and nurturing environment for you, we have embraced a series of safety standards and precautionary measures across our hotels. Embrace the promise of new memories with our gift cards. Shangri-La Cares reinforces the group’s commitment to caring for people, as well as its distinctive Asian hospitality as it begins welcoming guests back to hotels and resorts.Lim Beng Chee, chief executive officer of Shangri-La Group said: “To meet new challenges and evolving customer expectations, we are focusing on enhanced hygiene protocols, elevating our standards and safeguarding our guests and colleagues’ well-being.

We remain humble and true to our founding ethos with this commitment that will ensure we do our best to take care of people,” confirms Lim Beng Chee, Chief Executive Officer of Shangri-La Group. “To meet new challenges and evolving customer expectations, we are focusing on enhanced hygiene protocols, elevating our standards and safeguarding our guests and colleagues’ well-being. Shangri-La Hotel, Toronto.

Convenient to Toronto’s attractions, entertainment and shopping. Welcome, Login to your account.Recover your password.A password will be e-mailed to you.Welcome back, Log in to your account.Recover your password.SIGN UP FOR FREEBe part of our community of seasoned travel and hospitality industry professionals from all over the world. About.

At Shangri-La, it is in our nature to look after people, to anticipate their needs and go above and beyond to ensure they have a memorable experience. All high-touch surfaces are thoroughly cleaned, imposing high frequency and full attention to deep cleaning.

Book Now . Several hospitality chains temporarily closed doors to avoid further losses. Search.

“The health and safety of our colleagues and guests is of utmost priority. Without the collaborative efforts of the entire team, the implementation of such procedures would not be possible. Authentic in action and passionate in purpose. Shangri-La boosted the health and safety training programs of their people to improve on the customers’ needs throughout the pandemic. Learn More. Shangri-La Hotel, Toronto. Medical-grade sanitizers and disinfectants are also employed—all approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Plan your day with us to enjoy a memorable event, and unforgettable rewards. The Shangri-La Group opted for the latter. Comments are closed. With thousands of jet setters holding plans until further notice, the hotel industry took a tremendous hit⁠—among many predicaments: room nights unused and unseated dinner tables.


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